Set a store's Regular Hours as an admin. For setting a store's Special Hours (one-time adjustments for events, holidays, etc.), please see Set Store Special Hours.
Begin by going to the "Locations" menu and searching for the store where you would like to change the hours, from the drop-down menu. Once selected, go to Store Hours.
Two Types of Hours
Regular Hours describe the hours your store is open. You may set one interval of hours or multiple intervals. Note that different days may have different schedules.
Special Hours are used to describe temporarily expanded or contracted hours that happen for a special event or a holiday. When in place, these hours will override Regular Hours for the day(s) set. For More information on Special Hours, please see Set Store Special Hours.
In addition, you may use the "By Appointment Only" checkbox to designate that the location may be open "By Appointment Only" on a certain day.
Adjusting Store Hours
Easily update your store hours through the drop-down menus shown below.
The current Regular Hours will be displayed on the right.
Note: In order to SAVE these hours, please make sure you are pressing the "Add Regular Hours" button at the bottom when done adding or adjusting hours.
To confirm that these changes have been saved, make sure the new times display on the right under "Regular Hours".
What does "By Appointment Only" mean?
In Brickwork, you can make stores available to only take appointments during certain hours or days. Examples include:
- Store 01 is open regularly from 10am - 5pm; however, from 6pm - 8pm it is open by appointment only
- Store 02 is open Tuesday - Friday; additionally, on Mondays, it is open by appointment only
Read more about this concept in our Hours Hierarchy article.