Store ID
The Store's ID from Brickwork. Required for stores that are already in Brickwork. This is not the same as a Store's Number. If you do not know the Store ID, please contact Support. If you are creating a store for the first time, an ID will be automatically generated.
Number (Required)
Alphanumeric store number used to identify the store. This could be a number already used by your company internally, or one already used in GMB and other syndication partners. Within Brickwork, this number can map to Store Code in GMB. Cannot contain special characters or spaces and must be shorter than 60 characters long.
Example: 9999
Email (Required)
The store location's primary contact email address. If none exists, a no-reply email can be used for the purpose of sending updates to shoppers, managers, and associates.
Name (Required)
The name of your business as it appears in the real world. Do not include any keywords in your business title for SEO purposes; this may cause your listing to be rejected by certain search engines. For most chains, this is simply the name of the business, e.g. “Saks Fifth Avenue”. Even if the store is located in another location (e.g. “MAC at Saks Fifth Avenue”) the main business name (in this case, “MAC”) should be used. If the store name being used in GMB or other primary location networks differs, then that name may be used instead for maximum SEO. Must be shorter than 60 characters long. Must be a unique value in relation to all other store names.
Example: Demo Retailer Soho
Store Type
If store type is being used, the name of the store type as it is pre-entered in Global Content.
Primary Phone (Required)
The main phone number of the store. Include the number that connects shoppers most directly. For example, if the store has a main phone number, do not use the phone number of the customer call center. 800 numbers are not accepted; use local phone numbers. Below are example formatting standards by country:
Examples: USA/Canada (123-456-789); UK (0-123 4567 8901); China (0-123 456 7890)
A description of your business or store location. Plain text only; HTML is discouraged. Suggested minimum of 250 characters.
Meta Description
Standard meta description for all stores; helps with SEO. This can modified if desired, by contacting support.
Example: Soho in New York, NY 10003. Phone Number: 1 (999) 999-0999.
Store Slug
Standard URL slug for all stores. The slug comes after the standard URL text for the business. Currently, the slug is auto-generated based on the name given to the business location. This can modified if desired, by contacting support.
Example: /demo-retailer-soho
Page Title
Standard page title for all stores. This can modified if desired, by contacting support.
Example: Demo Retailer Soho Store Page
Address Line 1 (Required)
The physical street address of your business. Should correspond to the mailing address. Maximum 68 characters. PO boxes are not allowed. Include additional address information like suite numbers and other qualifiers in Address line 2.
Example: 137 Grand Street
Address Line 2
This field is for non-essential address information including suite numbers or other qualifiers. Maximum 20 characters.
Example: 3rd Floor, Suite 100
Address Line 3
Used primarily for foreign (non-U.S.) addresses. This is generally only used for PO boxes domestically; it is recommended not to use this line for domestic (U.S.) addresses.
City (Required)
The city where your business is located. This is equivalent to “locality” or “post town” in international addresses. Maximum 28 characters.
Example: New York City
State (Required)
The state or province in which your business is located. For U.S. locations, use the two-digit United States Postal Service abbreviation. This is equivalent to “administrative area” in international addresses. Not required for all international locations.
Example: NY
Country Code (Required)
ISO Alpha-2 country code.
Example: US (United States), GB (United Kingdom)