Brickwork’s goal is to help power the digital to store customer journey. As part of that, we want to connect a shopper’s online behavior with their in-store appointments to provide the best overall experience.
Knowing which products a shopper was browsing online gives the sales associate powerful insight and context into what the shopper is looking for. This helps them customize the appointment experience for that specific shopper, resulting in a more customized experience for the shopper and higher conversion rates and purchase amounts for the retailer.
The first feature built using Tracking Pixel data is the ability for store associates to see recently browsed items of the shoppers booking an appointment.
How does the tracking pixel work?
The tracking pixel is a snippet of html that Brickwork clients can install on their product detail pages, which allows Brickwork to associate the browsing behavior of their customers.
When a shopper visits a page containing the Brickwork tracking pixel, as long as that page also includes Open Graph tags (specifically og:title, og:image, and og:url), our tracking pixel will record that shopper’s anonymous cookie ID along with the relevant open graph tags to record what products the shopper has been browsing.
How do recently browsed items work?
If a shopper books an appointment online after viewing product detail pages, the store team and associates will be able to see images of the most recently browsed items. Clicking on an image will open a url of that product detail page in a new window.
As a Corporate Admin, Store Manager, or Associate:
- Under Locations, select your store name
- Select “Appointment Schedule" at that store level
- Select an Appointment from among those in the calendar by clicking on it
- Once here, select "View Appointment Details"
- In the tabs at the top, select "Recently Browsed Items"
To Enable Tracking Pixel
**PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT follow these steps until you have notified the Brickwork team. There are steps that the Brickwork team must accomplish first before you are ready to install. If you have been authorized to follow the steps below, you may proceed.
Step 1: Obtain a UUID from Brickwork support.
Step 2: Install the below element to product detail pages:
- Add the following to UAT first for testing purposes. The element added to a product detail page should be:
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src='https://track.bw-uat.com/track?companyId=UUID_HERE' />
- For production, the element should be:
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src='https://track.brickworksoftware.com/track?companyId=UUID_HERE' />
- IMPORTANT: Tracking pixel URL must be 'HTTPS' anywhere it is placed. Do not put this snippet in the “site header” because then it will be on every page. Be sure that the tracking pixel is only used on product detail pages.
Step 3: Notify Brickwork that this has been accomplished so that we can proceed with our last step to enable the feature for you.
Final Note:
- For the tracking pixel to work properly, your product detail pages must be implemented with OG (open graph) tags, at least og:title, og:url, and og:image. These meta tag values must be assigned/populated on the server side as opposed to populated on the browser.
If you have any additional questions about this feature, please reach out to support@brickworksoftware.com.