Appointment Messages encompass any custom emails and notifications you want both your clients and internal users to receive based on other appointment actions. This section is where you can create and manage those email templates and sending rules.
Viewing and Editing Appointment Email Templates
To begin, go to the Settings Menu and select "Appointment Notifications":
From here, you will be brought into the "Templates" tab, and the drop-down menu below should read "Default Templates". These are included emails that you are free to use as baselines for your messaging. Further down, you can lear about how to create custom ones.
The default email templates include:
- Appointment Requested
- Appointment Confirmed
- Appointment Completed
- Appointment Reassigned
- Appointment Rescheduled
- Appointment No-Show
- Appointment Canceled
- Appointment: Twenty-Four Hours Prior
- Appointment: One Hour Prior
- Appointment: Twenty-Four Hours After
- Appointment: One Week After
To view or edit any of the existing copy in these templates, you can select "Edit Template" under the name of the one you want to change.
*Note: When you edit a default template, you will be making a copy of that template. When it saves, it will become a custom template and live in the "Custom Templates" drop-down menu.
Edit options include name, subject, and copy.
You can also create a new Template by selecting "New Template" on the right.
Placeholder text (Variables) can be used to insert changing data when sending across all of your stores, associates, appointments, and customers. The following placeholder text is available:
- store name: %{store_name}
- store phone number: %{store_phone_number}
- service name: %{service_name}
- appointment scheduled date: %{appointment_date} ex: Tuesday, April 3, 2018
- appointment scheduled time: %{appointment_time} ex: 12:30pm
- customer first name: %{customer_first_name}
- customer last name: %{customer_last_name}
- associate name: %{associate_name}
- user full name: %{user_fill_name}
Configuring Sending Rules for Email Templates
Now that you have established emails, they will not send to your customers or internal teams unless you set up the rules in which they will send (when, to what teams or individuals, and based on what event triggers).
To begin, select the "Rules" tab.
Here, current rules are displayed. You can create a new one by selecting "New Rule" on the right.
Name the rule, then choose when you want the notification to send based on the following predefined set of possible triggers:
- "appointment Requested"
- "appointment Confirmed"
- "appointment Completed"
- "appointment Checked In"
- "appointment Reassigned"
- "appointment Rescheduled"
- "appointment Updated"
- "appointment No Show"
- "appointment Canceled"
- "appointment Twenty Four Hour Prior"
- "appointment OneHourPrior"
- "appointment Twenty Four Hour After"
- "appointment One Week After"
Next, select the email template that will apply to this rule, based on the ones you have set up in the "Templates" section. Make sure to enable the rule to run.
Last, select the type of recipient(s) that will receive this email. You can choose from Customer, Associate, and/or Store Manager.
You can also view existing rules via this page. The dashboard will display:
- Name of the Rule
- Enabled/Disabled
- Action
- Email Template being used
- Date Created
To edit an existing rule, click on the three dots to the right of the Rule in the list: